To my utter delight, this week The Bookseller, the publishing trade magazine, did a review of the bestselling Children’s books in the first quarter of 2025 and I learned that Hunt for the Golden Scarab is the twelfth bestselling book of the year so far. That’s incredible, especially as it wasn’t available in shops until February.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has purchased, read, reviewed, or recommended my book. It really takes an enormous effort from a team of people to launch a book in such a way that people get to hear of it, especially as i”m not off the tele, and it’s super important when it’s the first story in a new series.
If you enjoyed book one, then the wait for book too is not long, The Legend of Viking Thunder will be sailing into bookshops in September and I’ve just finished writing the third book in the series which will be available from February 2026.