World Book Day
I love World Book Day. It’s a wonderful thing to have a special day to celebrate the magic of books and the power of reading. For an author, one of the most amazing and gratifying things is to see all the wonderful costumes children and parents create, particularly when they choose one of the characters from my books.
Every year, I celebrate this by creating a blog post with a gallery of images of all the pictures you send me. You see last year’s crop of characters here. If you’d like to be featured in this years gallery, you can either email me a photo through this website, or share it on social media and @ me in.
Here is a video message from me for any young reader excited about World Book Day.
If you’d like to dress up as one of my characters, I’ve put some ideas of how you might do this below.
Hunt for the Golden Scarab
Sim wears a black hoodie with a treble clef on it, jeans and trainers.
Jeopardy wears a yellow and black striped jumper and black leggings.
Jeopardy and Sim
The Ice Children
Bianca wears a purple jumper with a white B on it.
Or perhaps you want to be one of the Ice Children and wear pyjamas to school!

Beetle Boy
To dress as Darkus, all you need is a big jumper and a rhinoceros beetle!
Lucretia Cutter, the evil villain is a popular choice with teachers… can’t think why!
Or perhaps you’d like to be Baxter the beetle!

If you fancy dressing up as Twitch or any one of The Twitchers, all you need is some outdoor clothes and a pair of binoculars!
A cuddly bird toy is an optional extra!

Adventures on Trains
Detective Harrison Beck wears a stripy t-shirt, a yellow rain coat and has a whistle around his neck.
He always carries a sketch book and pencil in his rucksack.