A Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

I have a confession to make. I was dreading reading this book because I have a crush on the author. She's lovely, and published by the same company as me.

However, I needn't have worried. The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave doesn't disappoint.

It's a lyrical adventure, steeped in myth, of heroic girls and the power of friendship. A must-read for every young girl of substance with plenty in there for an old snaggle-toothed feminist like me. I even have a favourite bit, chapter 18, pages 161-2 are a great example of word beauty. And no, before you ask, I wasn't wiping away tears over breakfast. It was an eyelash. Honest.

This book is a looker, the picture above is just the arc! This is one to put on your special shelf. The girls who love ink and stars will adore this book.

This book has become one of the bestsellers of 2016 and it is well deserving of its success. If you love a good map then you should BUY THE BOOK here. If you are undecided watch the wonderful author tell you about her book in the video below and you'll want to read it.